Saturday September 14, 2024

Holy Quran Act approved

August 13, 2021

Class 1-6 students to learn Holy Quran Nazra: Pervaiz

By Our correspondent

LAHORE: Punjab Assembly Speaker Ch Pervaiz Elahi said Pakistan came into being on the basis of ‘Kalima Tayyaba’ whereas Israel came into existence through force and torture.

The students will be taught Holy Quran Nazra from class one to six and onwards up to Matric with translation, this law will strengthen the foundations of the country, only path for our progress lies in Almighty Allah’s book and practicing Sunnat-e-Nabawi.

The speaker expressed these views Thursday while addressing a press conference on “The Punjab Compulsory Teaching of the Holy Quran (Amendment) Act 2021” at the cafeteria of Punjab Assembly.

Punjab Education Minister Murad Raas was also present with him. Pervaiz Elahi said this is the first press conference in the cafeteria of Punjab Assembly’s new building. He further said by approving the Holy Quran Act they have done ever-lasting work and this will go through generations to generations Insha-Allah. He thanked mover of the bill MPA Sajid Ahmad Khan Bhatti, Education Minister Murad Raas, Mutahedda Ulema Board, Punjab Textbook Board and assembly for their inputs in all stages of proposing Holy Quran Act, preparation and approval and congratulated them on the approval of the Act. He said for implementing the Holy Quran Act, copies of the notification have been sent to all the government and private educational institutions. The speaker said the need for Holy Quran Act was also felt because in India a movement was launched against the Muslims and massacre of innocent Muslims started, in such a situation it was essential that we should teach Holy Quran to our children and students from class six to Matric should be taught Holy Quran with translation and the children should be provided training about Islam in real meanings. He said as regards translation, the federation has done a great work, for this the federation has done unanimous translation in consultation with ulema of all schools of thought.