Tuesday September 17, 2024

Kamal threatens to topple Sindh govt if ‘politics of hate’ continues

By Our Correspondent
August 08, 2021

KARACHI: Pak Sarzameen Party (PSP) Chairman Syed Mustafa Kamal has threatened to topple the Sindh government with the help of the public if the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) does not stop its “anti-Karachi and anti-Mohajir politics under the guise of democracy”, calling for an end to “politics of hate, and decades-long public deprivation”.

“When we can fight and eliminate the evil presence of a RAW-linked network from Karachi, so shall be the fate of the PPP-led prejudiced provincial government,” Kamal said on Saturday while addressing a news conference at the Pakistan House. He announced that his party would hold protests against the provincial government after 10th Muharram.

He claimed that the PSP’s untiring four-year struggle for the restoration of peace and tranquillity in Karachi by eliminating a RAW-linked network was to ensure the rule of law, with empowering people through their genuine and sincere leadership, and not to hand over the city’s control to Asif Ali Zardari.

“The PPP has practically transformed Sindh into Sindhudesh and Zardari’s personal dynasty. People from the rest of the country will soon need visas to come to Sindh,” he said.

“Those who can sell children’s medicines to mint undue money can also be used against the country for dollars. It makes no difference for them to be misused by either India or the United States or Israel.”

Kamal claimed that there was no doubt that the PPP was destroying Pakistan’s economy from within. “Despite everything being exploited by the Sindh government, the federation and the state are silent.”

He also claimed that every member of the PSP would protect every inch of Pakistan, especially the Sindh province, until the last drop of their blood.

He said the PPP calls itself a democratic party, but what it is doing in the name of democracy is very unfortunate. It does not devolve powers to the grassroots level or forward the Provincial Financial Commission’s share to district level despite receiving the National Financial Commission’s share from the federation.

He asked why one should not celebrate their joy and distribute sweets over

“the dismissal of this corrupt PPP government at the hands of an undemocratic force”.

“Curse such democracy in which drinking water is not available, children don’t get medicines and education, people are unemployed and genocide is committed. At the behest of which undemocratic force is PPP installing hydrants and selling water for billions?”

Criticising the PPP for appointing its party leaders as administrators in Karachi and Hyderabad, he claimed that there was no constitutional or legal justification for it.

“If this is legitimate, as soon as the term of the prime minister or chief minister expires, instead of holding elections, administrators should be appointed in their place as well. If it’s allowed in Karachi and Hyderabad, it should also be allowed in the rest of Pakistan.”