Friday June 28, 2024

‘Kashmir: Uncertainty continues’

By Rasheed Khalid
August 06, 2021

Islamabad : Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs Andleeb Abbas called for a global citizens’ movement against the Indian atrocities Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

Ms Aldleeb was speaking at a seminar on ‘Kashmir: Uncertainty continues’ organised by Institute of Regional Studies (IRS) to observe ‘Youm-e-Istehsal’ here Thursday.

Ms Abbas called August 5, 2019, a black day in the history of humanity that had resulted in lockdown of 14 million people for 730 days and a shutdown of their communication with each other’s and the rest of the world. She lamented the silence of the world over the shooting of 20,000 children with pellet guns and the 11,000 reported cases of rape from the Occupied Kashmir.

Ubaid ur Rehman Nizamani, Director General (South Asia) of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, shared that over 900,000 Indian occupation forces had converted the valley into an open prison. He condemned the Indian government for reneging on its commitments under the UNSC resolutions on Kashmir. During this year alone, the Indian occupation forces have extra-judicially killed 85 innocent Kashmiris including young boys and women, arbitrarily arrested and detained 537 Kashmiris and destroyed 31 houses of Kashmiri people, he said.

Pakistan’s former high commissioner to Bangladesh Afrasiab Mehdi Hashmi stated that India had become a Hindu fundamentalist state under BJP rule. He referred to the Rashtiya Swayamsevak Singh as a Nazi-inspired terrorist organisation, which had committed atrocities not only against the Muslims of Kashmir but all over India.

Altaf Hussain Wani, chairperson, Kashmir Institute of International Relations, shared that Syama Prasad Mukherjee, who had founded of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh which later evolved into the current day BJP, was an ardent detractor of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution. He said that Mukherjee had campaigned all over India against the said article and had actually died in Kashmir while under arrest for traveling to Kashmir for campaigning for the purpose.

Pakistan’s former Permanent Representative to the UN Farrukh Amil stated that the legal and humanitarian case for the resolution of Kashmir dispute under UN resolutions remained very strong notwithstanding the time to when those were adopted.

Oves Anwar from Research Society for International Law, stated that all the illegalities of Indian actions in the state emanated from its disregard of the UNSC resolutions on the subject. He regretted, however, that Pakistan was still finding it hard to develop international legal momentum against India.