of yesteryears who would have the final battle in Panipat. On the Indian side, there is a barge of unproven allegations against Pakistan and half-cooked evidences being aired from television channels and printed through newspapers whipping up the emotions of their audiences.
Pakistanis need to realise at all levels--state and non-state actors, civil society and media--that India is our immediate neighbour, and the country with which we share our lives and culture the most. We belong to South Asia--neither Central Asia nor the Middle East. Indians have to come to terms with the fact that Pakistan should not be pressured into becoming a compliant, denuclearised state serving as a consumer market to the Mittals, Tatas, Birlas and Bajajs. A strong, democratic and friendly Pakistan would suit India more and bring prosperity to the region. The divide is kept illuminated by the terror attacks on both sides, both real and perceived support to insurgencies within each other's countries and, more recently, by not being able to address water disputes in time. Both countries are marred by poverty, hunger, injustice, a caste- and class-ridden social fabric and religious frenzy. If we start thinking in terms of the working classes and marginalised millions in both countries, the approach towards solving mutual disputes would thoroughly change.
The last part of the book that I jointly wrote with my Indian friend Rohini Kohli includes Anna Akhmatova's poem, "Why is this age worse…?"
Why is this age worse than earlier ages? / In a stupor of grief and dread / have we not fingered the foulest wounds / and left them unhealed by our hands? / In the West the falling light still glows, / and the clustered housetops glitter in the sun, / but here death is already chalking the doors with crosses, / and calling the ravens and the ravens are flying in.
The writer is an Islamabad-based poet and rights campaigner. Email: harris@spopk.org
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