progressive political workers. The participants discussed the objectives and framework for the party manifesto and took decisions regarding the future course of action. The first declaration of the party clearly spelt out that the party will pursue policies based on equality and social justice. It will develop a strong economy based on egalitarian principles. The party will adopt an independent foreign policy and conditions will be created to ensure that direct and indirect military interventions are eliminated. Simultaneously, an end to militancy, sectarianism and religious extremism will be ensured. Agricultural reforms including land redistribution and growth in agricultural produce will be undertaken. Industrial development especially from national entrepreneurs but also from international investors on terms favourable to Pakistan will be encouraged, but without ever compromising labour rights. Quality education without discrimination and a uniform standard of education for all children will be ensured irrespective of their economic status. Health, housing and fundamental municipal services will be provided. All discriminatory laws against women and religious minorities will be repealed. FCR will be abolished. Overseas Pakistanis will be given the right to vote.
More than 300 women and men who attended the conference decided to hold a national party convention within one year. In the meanwhile, intensive mobilization will be undertaken and a collective leadership fostered. Dr Hasan Nasir was elected to remain the interim convener while proper elections for the leadership would take place at the convention later next year. What our pundits seek now is 'change' as in 'spare change' in their begging bowls. What we need is change, real change from what we have been subjected to as a people since 1947.
The writer is an Islamabad-based poet and rights campaigner. Email:
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