soon took her for hajj. She had insisted on going for the pilgrimage from the first day of her marriage. She told me once that her wounds were healed while dreaming during the hajj. She saw her mother asking her to move on.
Ustani ji came back and started teaching Quran to children including three of her own. She prayed more than five times a day, fasted for three consecutive months in a year and for six days after Eid-ul-Fitr. But she never forced any of her students or people she would meet into believing and practising things she thought necessary for herself, be it ideas or rituals. She would never utter a despicable word against Sikhs or Hindus who had killed 36 members of her family except for herself and her brother. Many of her neighbours in Ranchore Lines in Karachi were low caste Hindus. She was not for or against partition. It didn't matter to her any more. She loved Pakistan but without saying it in as many words, she understood that although hate breeds hate, someone has to break the cycle.
What and Rajinder Singh Cheema understood, the governments of India and Pakistan must also. It is never too late. For heaven's sake, stop imprisoning, torturing and killing the poor, be it fisher folk or villagers, who unknowingly trespass the manmade borders. Change the intelligence paradigm and put an end to this insanity. Stop conspiring against people's hope for a peaceful and prosperous subcontinent by intriguing against each other in the name of national security. While the privileged Indian and Pakistani old boys drink together to their nostalgia of Doon School, Government College Lahore or St Stephen's in Delhi, the poor languish in each other's jails. India has to cover an extra mile now in the wake of the successive deaths of Pakistanis in its prisons.
The writer is an Islamabad-based poet and rights campaigner. Email:
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