Thursday June 27, 2024

3,000 children in Balochistan to benefit from collaboration with IRC

By Afshan S. Khan
July 06, 2021

Islamabad: The International Rescue Committee (IRC) and the Government of Baluchistan’s Secondary Education Department signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for provision of education to 3,000 children in Balochistan, including Afghan refugees.

Both the parties will collaborate to increase student enrolment and retention in 40 schools in Balochistan. The International Rescue Committee (IRC), with the financial support of US Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (BPRM), is implementing a three-year Enrollment, Retention, Mainstreaming and Protection (ERMP) project in Chaghi and Pishin districts of Balochistan.

This project aims to support access of children to non-formal education at their respective districts/locations. Zain ul Abedin, Country Director at the IRC, stated at the event, "Government of Baluchistan’s support for the cause of the education is instrumental in meeting the objectives of the project. This partnership will ensure that children attending these schools are safeguarded from neglect, exploitation, and abuse by establishing school and community-based child protection mechanism. We are excited to see this collaboration bear fruit.”

Sher Khan Bazai, Secretary of Secondary Education, Government of Baluchistan, stated “The Government aims to promote a learning environment in public schools. In collaboration with the IRC, we aim to enrol out-of-school children (OOSC) and provide them with safe, functional, and responsive education services in targeted Government schools and Alternative Learning Program (ALP) centres.”

The project has established Accelerated Learning Programme (ALP) centers for 500 post primary age out-of-school refugees and host community children. The program will follow an accelerated curriculum over a period of 30 months that will provide a pathway for students’ transition into formal education system. Simultaneously, the project is also working in 40 government schools and aims to enroll more than 3,000 Afghan refugees and host children. The objective is to improve the learning environment, increase instructional skills and knowledge of teachers, and strengthen community support for education.

The IRC is committed to assisting the Government of Baluchistan in strengthening the public education system and assisting individuals whose lives and livelihoods have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The School Implementation Plan will include WASH Facilities, mosquito proof nets, sanitizers and masks for teachers and students, thermometers, and personal protective equipment for all students in selected 40 schools.