Saturday September 28, 2024

Govt striving to improve governance structure: Firdous

By Our Correspondent
June 01, 2021

LAHORE: Special Assistant to Chief Minister on Information Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan has said the Punjab government is striving to improve the governance structure through holistic reforms to ensure prompt services to people at their doorsteps.

Talking to the media at the GC University Lahore here on Monday, she said CM Usman Buzdar inaugurated a revolutionary programme “Khidmat Aap Ki Dehleez Par” which would improve the service delivery mechanism along with the provision of facilities at the grassroots level. She said initially, the programme would be of three weeks’ duration including cleanliness of cities, towns, rural areas and government buildings and would resolve issues of water drainage swiftly.

The special assistant said a cleanliness week is being celebrated to remove garbage, repair streetlights and remove wall-chalking. Similarly, a week will be reserved for the beautification of parks and greenbelts, buildings and offices. Likewise, public toilets, drains, manholes and sewerage lines will be cleaned to improve the quality of life of the common man.

Dr Firdous said “AC Karkardagi” app and “Khidmat Aap Ki Dehleez Par” app have been designed that can be downloaded from the play store. A dashboard has been developed, which will monitor the field activities and districts will be categorized according to their performance. Those failing to deliver will go to their homes while the best performers will be rewarded for their hard work, she said.

Responding to a question, the SACM said the government is not composed of any Brahman or superrich elite but the genuine representatives of people are running the affairs of the state to heal the wounds of people.

She said the doors of the CM Office are open to all and the government intends to reform the stiff-neck bureaucrats as the performers and deliverers. The civil servants should open the doors of their offices and hearts to people to win the support of people. The time is over when Babus were slaves to Jati Umrah. Now they are answerable to people, she said.

Dr Firdous said there should be no clash in treasury benches as the supremacy of law has to be ensured according to the merits of facts. Ali Zafar will review the joint report and the compilation of the report will take time. The PM will make this report public after the final draft.

She advised Shehzad Akbar and Nazir Chohan to avoid giving irresponsible statements as both are like brothers to her. It is improper to issue statements about the religious affiliation of any person. She asked Nazir Chohan to come up with facts or extend an apology. She said Shahbaz Sharif should make it clear that which PDM he is siding with. “Shahbaz Sharif is in a fix and I have sympathy towards him,” she said, adding that Shahbaz Sharif should come out of illusions to avoid destabilizing the country.