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Police release image of ‘key man’ in PCSO murder probe

By Pa
May 08, 2021

LONDON: Police have released an image of a man who “could be key” in the investigation into the murder of PCSO Julia James.

The popular community support officer was found dead in Akholt Wood near her home in Snowdown, Kent, on Tuesday, April 27. A post-mortem examination revealed she died from significant head injuries.

Kent Police say they want to speak to a man who is understood to have been in the Aylesham area the day after, on Wednesday, April 28.

Assistant Chief Constable Tom Richards from Kent Police said: “We are now in a position to release an image of a man we would like to speak to. We firmly believe he has information that could help this investigation and we urge him to come forward. “We are also appealing to the public or anyone who knows this individual to please come forward with his details. Perhaps he lives near you, perhaps you work with him or perhaps he visits your local shop to buy food. Please get in touch and help us find the answers Julia’s family deserve.”

Kent Police have yet to establish a motive for the 53-year-old’s murder.

The force said on Thursday that it was broadening the search area to include “a number of other locations” in addition to the woodland where she was found. Crimestoppers are offering a reward of up to £10,000 for anonymous information that leads to her killer being convicted.

Ms James, described as “fiercely loyal” by her family, died from serious head injuries while out walking her dog.

On Wednesday, police issued an image of the PCSO in the clothes she was wearing before she was killed. The picture shows Ms James walking her Jack Russell, Toby, while wearing a light blue waterproof coat, blue jeans and dark Wellington-style brown boots. Police said it was the same clothing, apart from the gloves, which she wore on the day she died.