Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah, while presiding over a meeting related to the provincial local government department on Saturday, directed the Sindh Solid Waste Management Board to develop a proper solid waste management system in the Larkana city.
The meeting was attended by Local Government Minister Syed Nasir Hussain Shah, Chairman Planning and Development M Waseem, Secretary Finance Hassan Naqvi, Secretary Local Government Najam Shah, MD Sindh Solid Waste Management Board Zubair Channa and other relevant officials.
The chief minister was told that the population of the Larkana city was 590,579, and around 337 tonnes of garbage was generated daily there. The city has 20 union councils where 70 temporary garbage collection points have been set up.
Shah directed the local government minister to immediately acquire a suitable landfill site near the city and start a system for garbage collection on a door-to-door basis and then shift the same to garbage transfer stations and then transport it to the designated landfill site.
The SSWMB managing director told the chief minister that the tender for outsourcing the entire solid waste management right from the sweeping of garbage, collecting door-to-door trash and transferring it to the Garbage Transfer Station (GTS) had been prepared and approved by the government.
The chief minister directed the authority to invite tenders for building the solid management system for the city and start developing the landfill site in Larkana.
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