KARACHI: A predominant 73pc Pakistanis considered the country headed in the wrong direction. This was the findings of a new opinion poll conducted by IPSOS from March 18-24, 2021, with a sample size of 1,000 people.
The IPSOS survey also found 62 pc dubbing inflation, poverty and unemployment as the biggest issues confronting the people. Regarding the country’s overall direction, 23pc found nothing wrong in the policies of the country. But around 70pc people expressed anxiety over the overall country’s plight, while 30 pc found satisfactory conditions.
Regarding the economic plight, the national confidence looked waning. According to the poll, while 64pc described the economic conditions to be bad, whereas 36pc found them to be good. As many as 62 pc did not respond to this query, while 27 percent found the economic conditions to be weak, 11 on the other hand found them to be strong.
As many as 41 pc people were disappointed with the economic conditions and apprehended further deterioration. However, 32 pc expressed a moderate viewpoint, 27 pc were confident that the economy will improve, another 27 pc found economy to be standing on weak foundations, 12 pc found themselves to be economically better off. But 61pc described their economic status to be neither positive nor negative.
The 38 percent of the overall sample size, expressed disappointment over any improvement in economic conditions in the next six months. While 29pc viewed the next six months to bring good change on the economic front. As many as 33 per cent maintained their moderate viewpoint.
The IPSOS found as many as 62 pc dubbing inflation, poverty and unemployment as the biggest issues confronting the people. In a further breakup, 32 pc described inflation as the major problem, while 20 pc found unemployment very disturbing and 10 pc termed increasing poverty as the main frustration.
Of those surveyed over this question, 16 pc found coronavirus, three percent found corruption and nepotism, and one per cent found loadshedding to be the top most concern.
Inflation was termed the critical problem across the provinces, where 38 pc in KPK remained most disturbed by the phenomenon, followed by 22 pc vexed by unemployment, 15pc with coronavirus, 7pc frustrated with increasing poverty, five percent were found disturbed with corruption and nepotism.
In Sindh, 31 pc found inflation is the biggest problem, while 25 pc were disturbed with unemployment, 14pc with coronavirus pandemic, 9 pc with increasing poverty, four percent with corruption and nepotism as the top most issue of Sindh.
Similarly, in Punjab 31 pc considered inflation is the biggest problem, while 17 pc were disturbed with unemployment, 17pc with coronavirus pandemic, 11 pc with increasing poverty, four percent described increasing taxes the top most issues of the province.
In Balochistan, 30 pc were found frustrated with inflation, while an equal percentage of the people questioned, said they were concerned over unemployment. But 13pc were found disturbed with increasing poverty, 10pc with coronavirus, three pc complained about restrictions over independence of the media and media censorship.
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