Monday September 09, 2024

Peace talks

March 24, 2021

Even though Pakistanis care deeply about Kashmir and its people and demand a better solution to the Kashmir dispute, what exactly should our policy be if we really care about Kashmir? Whenever there are hopes of talks between Pakistan and India, the former always talks about the Kashmir dispute first. This approach derails the process of peace talks because India does not want to start talks with the Kashmir issue. All of this results in the suffering of Kashmiris. If we really care about these people, we should reconsider our approach.

Pakistan needs to consider building a cultural and economic relationship with India. It will help create a conducive environment for political talks. Once the two countries engage culturally and economically, there will be more chances of talks on the Kashmir dispute. South Asia needs peace and human security. Human security is when people have an adequate access to health, education, and other essentials of life. This dream of human development is only possible when the two countries reduce their respective defence budget which comes at the cost of human development. To achieve that goal, we need to initiate dialogue.

Anwar Sayab Khan
