Tuesday July 02, 2024

PCRWR marks World Water Day 2021

March 16, 2021

Islamabad: Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) Monday celebrated the upcoming World Water Day 2021 through arranging a ceremony to honor the winners of two essay writing competitions and highlighting this year’s theme of `Valuing Water .

The celebration was held in partnership with Unesco Pakistan Office, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Riphah Institute of Public Policy, The Asia Foundation, ICIMOD and Technology Times jointly held the celebration of International World Water Day.

Student winners of two competitions were announced; EssayCon essay writing competition of high school and undergrad university students, water resources mapping with GIS application among post graduate research students.

The Australian High Commissioner, Dr Jeoffery Shaw, as a chief guest, addressed audience and mentioned long term partnerships of Australian and Pakistan governments in water sector.

He also remarked thatAustralian experience in science knowledge sharing opportunity for people of Pakistan. Speaking on the occasion, Unesco Country Director, Patricia McPhilips said it is encouraging to see the involvement of young people in water resources education. Unesco is a huge supporter for academic insight among youth. Speaking on the occasion, PCRWR Chairman Dr Muhammad Ashraf remarked that it is high time that we recognize the value of water to preserve it for our future generations.