Thursday September 05, 2024

Workshop on nanomedicine today

By Our Correspondent
March 15, 2021

Islamabad: COMSTECH is organising an International Workshop on Nanomedicine – Development, and Challenges from 15th to 17th March 2021 at COMSTECH Secretariat, Islamabad.

COVID-19 outbreak has made it clear that indigenous capacity in science and technology is critically important for every country, big or small. Investment in scientific research relevant to national needs has the highest rate of return.

In this scenario, Nanotechnology offers new prospects of developing affordable, quick, and scalable solutions in diagnoses and treatment of COVID-19 and other diseases and manufacturing of personal protective equipment.

International workshop organised by COMSTECH is focused on the emerging field of Nanomedicine. This workshop will be conducted by 15 leading scientists from UK, USA, Germany, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Pakistan. Despite COVID-19 related constraints, several hundred participants from various countries are taking part in this workshop.

Apart from 100+ young scholars physically present in the venue, numerous international participants will be taking part virtually. These virtual participants are from many countries like Egypt, UAE, Mauritius, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Cameroon, Niger, Iraq, Bangladesh, UK, China, Kyrgyzstan, Hong Kong and Saudi Arabia. Forty-five academic and research institutions from Pakistan and other OIC states are represented physically whereas more than 60 institutes are joining virtually from across the world.