Saturday September 07, 2024

Malaysia unveils misinformation law, stoking free speech fears

March 12, 2021

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s government introduced a law on Thursday that punishes spreading coronavirus misinformation with jail time and hefty fines, sparking fury at what critics labelled an "appalling" attack on free speech.

The shock move comes amid growing concerns about worsening freedom of expression in Malaysia since a scandal-plagued administration seized power last year. The emergency ordinance comes into effect on Friday, and does not need parliamentary approval as the country is currently under a state of emergency to fight the virus.

For spreading information deemed by authorities "wholly or partly false" related to Covid-19 or the state of emergency, the maximum punishment is three years in prison and a 100,000 ringgit ($24,000) fine.

Those found guilty of funding acts of publishing misinformation face a jail term of up to six years and a 500,000 ringgit fine, according to a copy of the law. Malaysia’s king declared a state of emergency in January as virus cases surged, but the move was widely criticised as a gambit by Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin to shore up his collapsing government.

The NGO Centre for Independent Journalism said it was "deeply shocked and appalled" by the new law, and accused the government of using its emergency powers to "stifle any criticism of the current administration".