LAHORE:Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar on Friday said the government has put the country in the right direction as Pakistan was deviated from its real destination due to the wrong policies of the past rulers. Talking to PTI Sargodha president Ansar Iqbal Haral and ticket-holder Usama Mela during a meeting at his office here, Usman Buzdar said he was visiting every area of the province to solve problems faced by the people in consultation with the parliamentarians and party workers.
The chief minister emphasised that the PTI government had rectified discrepancies of the past and deplored that the rotten system protected the rights of the elite rather than ensuring the welfare of the masses.The government was striving to improve the people’s lot by transforming the archaic system according to modern-day needs and requirements, he added. Meanwhile, the chief minister while taking notice of the firing incident in Daska by-elections sought a report from the Inspector General of Police (IGP). The chief minister directed the arrest of the accused at the earliest and said that action would be initiated against the responsible without any discrimination.
CONDOLENCES: Usman Buzdar on Friday expressed grief over the death of a child in an accident near Bahawalpur. The chief minister extended sympathies to the family. Usman Buzdar also expressed condolences over the death of four members of a family due to the collapse of a roof of a house in Chunian, Kasur. In a condolence message, he extended sympathies to the bereaved family and also sought a report from the DC Kasur.
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