LAHORE:Punjab Health Minister Dr Yasmin Rashid Wednesday gave a deadline of one week to Pattoki Tehsil Headquarters Hospital Medical Superintendent Dr Farooq Haider and Chunian THQ Hospital MS Dr Akram Rehan and show-cause notices were served on both MSs due to professional negligence.
On the directions from health minister, Health Services Punjab Director General Dr Haroon Jehangir visited Pattoki and Chunian THQ hospitals and checked cleanliness, services and medical facilities, emergency and operation theatre. Health Minister Dr Yasmin Rashid said, “Attendance of doctors must be ensured at any cost. Hospital waste must be disposed of according to the SOPs. The licences of blood banks must be immediately renewed. Next time, action will be taken against the CEO concerned on poor management in hospitals. The situation must improve within one week and Kasur CEO Dr Javed Akram must submit a report on improvements in Pattoki and Chunian THQ hospitals. She said in case of negligence in treatment of patients, disciplinary action would be taken against the MS concerned.