Tuesday September 17, 2024

45 international navies converging in Karachi for AMAN-21

By Our Correspondent
February 09, 2021

KARACHI: The Pakistan Navy is hosting 45 international navies for Naval Exercise AMAN-21 from Feb 11-17th to hone in collaborative response for global maritime domain fraught with traditional and non-traditional challenges

This was formally announced on Monday at the Pakistan Navy Fleet Headquarters, Karachi by Commander Pakistan Fleet Rear Admiral Naveed Ashraf during a media briefing. Exercise AMAN is the seventh multinational naval exercise being hosted by Pakistan at the concurrence of strategic west Indian ocean connecting Africa, Middle East, South Asia criss-crossing strategic SLOCs with critical chokepoints. With the slogan of ‘Together for Peace’ AMAN-21 is being conducted on a biennial basis by the Pakistan Navy to project soft image of Pakistan. The exercise contributes towards regional peace and stability, resolve against terrorism in maritime domain, collaboration to maintain safe and sustainable maritime realm and above all enhance interoperability between regional and extra regional navies.

Rear Admiral Naveed Ashraf said Pakistan has remained steadfast in fighting the forces of terror and tyranny with countless sacrifices and losses.He said the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has added yet another dimension to the already complex security milieu. However, timely and correct decisions of our leadership have kept us stable. Pakistan has remained a responsible state and shall continue to play its role amid diversified challenges. Like any maritime nation, Pakistan has substantial stakes in the maritime domain. Our interest in safer and crime-free seas is rooted into three conspicuous realities: Firstly, our extraordinary dependence on the seas for trade, secondly operationalization of CPEC project; and lastly our strategic location astride the global energy highway.

Cumulatively, these realities make the maritime stability as an important agenda of our national security. As we truly believe in the centuries old dictum that ‘Sea unites while Land divides’, Pakistan considers that maritime security is not just important for itself but for all other countries whose prosperity and progress are strongly bonded with the seas, the commander Pakistan Fleet said

While operating together, we must be mindful that contemporary global maritime environment remains fraught with traditional and non-traditional challenges which require collaborative response by friendly navies. No country can single handedly tackle the diverse threats that exist or the new ones that emanate on daily basis.

Commander Pakistan Fleet also highlighted that Pakistan Navy is a firm believer in the concept of having Collaborative Maritime Security and therefore has been actively participating in Maritime and Counter Piracy Operations along with other partner navies since 2004. Since 2018, Pakistan Navy is undertaking Regional Maritime Security Patrols, in which our ships maintain near permanent presence in vital sea areas in the Indian Ocean Region to contribute towards maintaining good order at sea. AMAN platform provides enormous opportunities to the participants for contriving the contours of such a collective response. In this regard, Exercise AMAN-21 is an effort to foster regional camaraderie, boost interoperability and exhibit a ‘united resolve against multifaceted threats.

With 45 countries including rivals US, Russia, China, Turkey and participating navies from Africa, Middle East, Central Asia and rest of the globe, Aman has become the showcase of Collaborative Maritime Security which is Scarlet Thread to ensure peace and stability in the region. 135 observers are also visiting Karachi for the entire week to review the harbour and sea phase of Aman -21. International Maritime Conference is another major event to be held during the multinational exercise.The navies are participating with surface and air assets, Special Operation Forces, marine teams and senior officers. The harbour activities would include seminars, discussions, demonstrations and international get-togethers. The sea phase would have tactical manoeuvres on anti-piracy, counterterrorism, gunnery firing and search & rescue. Hallmark of the sea phase and Exercise AMAN - 21 would be International Fleet Review, witnessed by national and foreign dignitaries.

Admiral Naveed Ashraf also emphasized that Exercise AMAN-21 will provide a common forum for information sharing, mutual understanding and identifying the areas of common interests for all participating navies to achieve mutual goal of maintaining stability, peace and prosperity. He added that the exercise is a reflection that nations can play a constructive role in building new ties, establishing innovative relationships and strengthening existing ones. The Admiral also underlined that Exercise AMAN is about bridging gaps and making it possible to operate together in pursuance of common objectives and effective media coverage will project real essence of exercise at par with its theme ‘Together for Peace’ and Pakistan Navy’s contribution towards promoting peace at sea.