Wednesday October 02, 2024

Rehman Malik slams Imran Khan for playing politics on Kashmir Solidarity Day

By Asim Yasin
February 06, 2021

ISLAMABAD: Senate Committee on Interior Chairman Abdul Rehman Malik has said what Prime Minister Imran Khan and his government did in response to Modi's anti-Kashmir measures.

“I was shocked while listening to Prime Minister Imran Khan's speech who is still talking about NRO on the soil of Kashmir on the Kashmir Solidarity Day. The prime minister should have talked only about Kashmir and Modi's crimes against humanity on this day instead of playing politics,” he said while addressing a function on the Kashmir Solidarity Day, organized at his residence on Friday. The function was attended by Hurriyat leaders Abdul Hameed Lone, Manzoor Ahmad Shah, Dr Mujahid Gilani, Raja Khadim Hussain, Shafi Dar, Zahid, Abid Khan Abbasi, Iftikhar Ahmed, Advocate Tanvir Ahmed and others.

Addressing the function, Rehman Malik said it is the responsibility of the prime minister to unite the entire nation on the Kashmir issue by calling an All Parties Conference on the sole agenda of Kashmir. He said Imran should tell the nation what he has done so far for Kashmir He said the world community, especially the United Nations, has failed to deliver justice to the oppressed people of Kashmir. He said the Pakistani nation expresses solidarity with the people of Kashmir and the day is aimed at renewing “our resolve towards the supreme cause of Kashmir that is freedom”.

He urged the government to stand firmly by Kashmiris the way the Quaid-i-Azam and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto stood by them and highlighted their case internationally. “Today our people need to have the same spirit and strength which was expressed by tribal warriors who liberated some areas of Kashmir with their bravery and faith in 1947. He said he always called Modi the chief of terrorists as Indian forces have intensified atrocities in Occupied Kashmir under him. Today the Occupied Kashmir has been turned into the world's largest jail with the longest curfew in the history. It is time to expose Indian atrocities and crimes against humanity to the world as Modi is converting the majority of Muslims in Kashmir into minority under a well thought-out plan.

He said Modi abolished the special status of Kashmir and amended the domicile law through a strategy and launched a maliciouspropaganda against Pakistan which was recently exposed by the Disinfolab EU. “RSS and Hindu extremists are being resettled in Kashmir Valley to eliminate Muslim majority,” he said and added the Commission for Human Rights in its report has disclosed that from January 1989 till January 1, 2018; 94,644 innocent Kashmiris were killed, 7,099 were killed in custody, 11,042 women were gang-raped and 7,485 were injured by pellets in Kashmir by Indian forces. It is a matter of grave concern that the Pakistan government has not yet gone to the UN and the International Court of Justice against any move by India. He urged the UN to break its silence and take note of human rights violations and Modi's atrocities in Occupied Kashmir. He said the UN should abide by its Security Council resolutions and give Kashmiris the right to self-determination.

Abdul Hameed Lone thanked Rehman Malik for organizing the event to express solidarity with Kashmiris and highlighting the issue at all forums. He said a fact-finding mission should be sent to Kashmir to look into human rights violations. He said Indian forces have orphaned 170,000 children, but the international community is not paying the attention to the atrocities.

Manzoor Ahmad Shah, Dr. Mujahid Gilani, Raja Khadim Hussain, Muhammad Shafi Dar, Zahid and Abid Khan Abbasi also addressed the event and highlighted Indian forces brutalities in Occupied Kashmir. They all applauded Rehman Malik for his efforts, support, and struggle for the people of Kashmir.