Friday June 28, 2024

Cooperation framework signed to facilitate Afghan refugees

By Bureau report
February 04, 2021

PESHAWAR: The University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Peshawar, Commissionerate for Afghan Refugees, Khyber Pakht-unkhwa and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) on Wednesday signed framework of cooperation to strengthen engagement and collaboration on marketable skilling, technical training, and capacity-building for refugees as well as the host community.

The document is aimed at facilitating the access of Afghan refugees to the academic programmes, professional training courses and develop opportunities afforded by their academic achievements.

Speaking on the occasion, Commissioner Afghan Refugees, Abbas Khan, one of the main objectives of the commissionerate’s livelihood strategy is to make Afghan refugees empowered and self-reliant.

He said the outcomes and impact of such initiatives are always beneficial and this will enable the Afghan Refugees to stand on their feet and support their families in a dignified manner. This initiative will also enhance their future economic prospects, he added.

Bernard Inkoom, Head of UNHCR Sub-Office Peshawar, said despite the challenges in the wake of the global pandemic, the UNHCR remained committed to maintaining its essential activities, including offering livelihood opportunities that benefit both Pakistanis and Afghan refugees.

It is being ensured that young refugees are given quality education that enhances capacity and create

It will also enhance self-reliance among refugees, particularly women and girls. He said to reach university education level, a young refugee must overcome significant barriers and only one in 100 makes it.

Despite their potential, young refugees are greatly disadvantaged in accessing university education as well as technical and vocational training, Inkoom added.