Wednesday June 26, 2024

‘Freedom is destiny of people of Indian-occupied Kashmir’

By Our Correspondent
February 01, 2021

The central leadership of the Majlis Wahdat-e-Muslimeen (MWM) has decided to observe Kashmir Solidarity Week from Saturday. The announcement for this was made during a news conference that was held at the Karachi Press Club on Sunday.

The MWM’s Sindh General Secretary Allama Baqir Zaidi, Deputy General Secretary Ali Hussain Naqvi and other leaders said that the purpose of this is to express their condemnation of the barbaric acts of India in the occupied Kashmir and to voice their support for Kashmiri Muslims.

They said that the discriminatory policies and actions of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government against the minorities living in India have undermined the country’s integrity and survival.

They pointed out that the hoisting of a religious flag at the Red Fort in Delhi by the Sikh community is an open expression of rebellion and hatred against the Modi government.

They lamented that the barbarism of the Indian forces in the occupied Kashmir against the Kashmiri people has been growing.

They said that freedom is the destiny of the people of Kashmir, and that their freedom will be achieved very soon.

The Majlis Wahdat-e-Muslimeen leaders said that on Kashmir Solidarity Day on Friday, the entire nation will voice its support for the rights of the Kashmiri people with complete enthusiasm at events organised in support of the oppressed people of Kashmir.

They said that members of their party’s Sindh chapter will gather at the Jamia Masjid Noor Iman in Karachi, from where they will start their main protest rally, adding that candles will also be lit for the people of Kashmir.

They demanded that the Modi government put an end to the atrocities being committed in the occupied Kashmir.

They censured international human rights advocates for shying away from speaking against the Indian oppression and barbarism in Kashmir.

They claimed that the international human rights organisations, including the United Nations, are only interested in taking up the cause of protecting the rights of Jews and Christians, and that they have no interest in the problems facing the Muslim world.

They pointed out that the series of oppressive actions that Modi has unleashed on the minorities is rapidly eroding his power and his country. They said that the nations that rise against India will soon emerge as a powerful voice.

The Majlis Wahdat-e-Muslimeen leaders said that Modi is the most prejudiced PM in the history of India who has no interest whatsoever in the likes and dislikes of the people of his country.

They said that Modi’s hands are stained with the blood of thousands of innocent people.

India is becoming a serious threat to the peace and security in the region, they added.

They also said that India’s obsession with acquiring modern weapons and governing the region can lead to a major human tragedy.

They again demanded that India stop the persecution of the Muslims of Kashmir.

They pointed out that the martyrdom of innocent youth and the rape of women are disgraceful marks on the face of India. They said that Kashmir is the lifeblood of Pakistan, and demanded that it should be freed from the aggressive occupation of India.