Friday March 28, 2025

Social issues highlighted

January 31, 2021

Rawalpindi: A funny stage play entitled ‘Mr Half Fry’ was presented under the auspices of Punjab Council of the Arts to highlight different social issues through humour and comedy which creates unrest in society.

The play was written by senior artist Anjum Malik and directed by Shahzada Ghaffar.

The caste include Rizwana Khan, Saleem Afandi, Sapna Shah, Shahzada Ghaffar, Hameed Babar, Hina Gul, Anjum Malik, Sajjad Ahmed, Haji Qayyum, Shahzad Pappu, and others played wonder role in the play which was appreciated by the people.

The aim of the play was to provide a neat and clean entertainment facility to the people of twin cities.

The participants of the play were of the view that people came to Arts Council with their family due to neat & clean entertainment.