Friday September 27, 2024

KP govt to mark awareness week on coronavirus SOPs

By Bureau report
January 05, 2021

PESHAWAR: The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has decided to mark a special week to create awareness among the people about the standard operating procedures (SOPs) about the coronavirus in view of the rising number of Covid-19 cases.

An official handout said that all administrative secretaries, divisional commissioners and regional police officers had been directed to take special measures for this purpose.

A special meeting of the administrative secretary was held with Home Secretary Ikramullah Khan in the chair.

The commissioners and RPOs attended the meeting through the video link.

The secretary Home said that special measures should be taken this week to ensure implementation of the coronavirus-related SOPs.

He asked the commissioners to ensure the elimination of the SOPs across the province to help contain the spread of the deadly disease.

The secretary said the commissioners should conduct awareness campaigns on the first day through the display of banners in public places.

Shopkeepers, transporters and all other stakeholders should be taken into confidence, he said, adding that strict actions should be taken against the violators of SOPs.

On the second day, implementation of coronavirus SOPs at bus stations, railway stations and public transport should be ensured.

On the third day, consultation with hotel owners and civil society members would be made and consultation with religious scholars will be conducted.

On the fourth day, awareness pamphlets should be distributed among the people in addition distribution of masks, senitizars and gloves. Hotels and wedding halls should also be sealed for violating the SOPs.

On the fifth day, SOPs should be conveyed to the people through the Friday sermons.

On the sixth day, an awareness campaign on coronavirus SOPs should be conducted through loudspeakers, and implementation of SOPs in mosques and seminaries should be ensured.

On the last day, awareness campaign through former local body members and political leaders would be ensured in far-flung areas.

During this week, free facemasks will also be distributed in each district on a daily basis.

The secretary Home directed the commissioners to submit daily reports on the activities of their respective divisions to the office of the chief secretary by 5 pm.