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Ministers claim mutiny against Fazlur Rehman in his party

By Mumtaz Alvi & News Desk
December 26, 2020

Ministers claim mutiny against Fazl in his party

ISLAMABAD: The government ministers on Friday questioned what kind of democracy is it to oust senior members of a party just on having difference of opinion.

Minister for Information and Broadcasting Senator Shibli Faraz Friday said the JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman was no more relevant after the revolt within his own party, while Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM), which he headed, was already dying its natural death.

The minister asserted that the demand of the opposition parties to send packing a democratic government and give it to them was ridiculous. Minister for Kashmir Affairs Ali Amin Gandapur alleged that if the Maulana had done any wrongdoing, then why was he hurling threats at the state institutions.

Both ministers were speaking here at a news conference. “A movement has started within the Maulana’s own party and the PDM movement is also dying its natural death, as it is mired in contradictions,” Shibli Faraz noted.

The minister explained that some opposition lawmakers wanted to resign, while others are not interested to take this step. He added that the opposition had nothing to do with democracy and they only wanted to destabilise a democratically-elected government.

Shibli accused Fazlur Rehman of demanding that the institutions should remove the government and bring them into the government and then become neutral, which was ridiculous. He continued that the demand for removal of a democratic government on the pretext of alleged rigging was strange, as the government was formed through transparent elections, which were acknowledged by international organisations and Fafen as well.

Shibli recalled that PTI had launched a movement in the run-up to the 2013 elections, which resulted in a legal and democratic process, involving all the related steps i.e. the PTI went to the Election Commission of Pakistan, then to the Supreme Court and this led to formation of a judicial commission. He explained that their demand was to opening of four constituencies and on the basis of that the constituencies were opened where fraud was proved.

The minister pointed out that the PTI had also raised this question in the Parliament, but did these political parties go to any of these institutions? He said that if they had evidence of poll fraud, then they should produce it.

Shibli noted that an important political development had taken place because the person, who was leading the opposition movement, was now faced with a movement that has started against him within his party. “Presently, some prominent leaders have exposed their party leader that he is a liar and a selected one himself. And, hence they have expressed no confidence in the Maulana,” he emphasised.

Gandapur said that recently he had asked a few questions from the Maulana but he did not answer. However, on the questionnaire sent by the institutions, he had threatened that the entire party would go to the institutions and besiege them.

The minister contended that JUI-F chief’s attitude was, as if he was above the law, but he was not, and would have to be held accountable. Gandapur, who had defeated the Maulana from DI Khan constituency in the 2018 elections, said that Maulana Muhammad Khan Sherani, former chairman of Council of Islamic Ideology (CII), and senior leader of JUI-F, had also raised questions and the nation wanted answers to these questions.

The minister said that in a few days he would produce evidence of more properties worth billions of rupees owned by the JUI-F leader, as with each passing day, evidence of his anonymous properties was being found.

“We will not let them go. Threats and sieges of institutions are not acceptable. He will have to give answers to the nation and his own party. Expelling the people from the party on the basis of their rights and truth is not democracy, as it is not a democratic movement, as they demand removal of an elected government from the Army,” he argued.

“We used to say the PDM was a Pakistan dacoit movement, so I request that it be written and called by the same name in future,” he said. Meanwhile, Special Assistant to PM on Political Communication Shahbaz Gill said in a tweet that Fazlur Rehman is ‘selected’ due to his father.

“Fazlur Rehman was so afraid of revolt by Maulana Sherani, Gul Naseeb and Hafiz Hussain Ahmed that instead of contest, he ousted them from the party,” he said. “Is this a political party or dear father’s shop which is owned by you (Fazl) after him,” Gill questioned. Minister for Water Resources Faisal Vawda said in a tweet that Fazlur Rehman’s time is up.

“You gave fatwa on BB (Benazir Bhutto) then took diesel permits, called NS (Nawaz Sharif) an Indian agent then joined his govt. You gave fatwa on Musharraf then took province govt. But IK won’t make any deal with u. Come and see. Time to pay!” he tweeted.

Minister for Communications Murad Saeed alleged that the Maulana supported then government for a diesel permit and made money from Nato supply. He alleged that the JUI-F chief has assets beyond means and his son-in-law, Rauf Mama and many others are acting as front men. He said Fazlur Rehman had votes for sale for the US, but suspended his own party leaders just for asking questions. He said the Maulana will have to be accountable.