Thursday June 27, 2024

Senate Sectt returns Opp agenda against NAB chief

By Our Correspondent
December 20, 2020

ISLAMABAD: The Senate Secretariat Saturday returned with objections the opposition’s five-point agenda for requisitioning the Senate session.

The agenda pertained to a motion and resolution against NAB chairman and other senior officials.

The Secretariat wrote a letter to Leader of the Opposition Raja Muhammad Zafarul Haq, stating that the privilege motion and resolution could not be passed during the session.

It was learnt that Deputy Chairman Senate Saleem Mandviwalla strongly protested against this and contended that the chairman Senate’s objection to the opposition's agenda was a violation of the Senate Rules. He said the chairman Senate could not stop the privilege and resolution movement against the NAB.

The requisition was filed a few days back and the opposition’s main focus was on targeting the anti-graft body’s top brass.