Islamabad : The COVID-19 pandemic has not stopped at national borders. It has affected people regardless of nationality, level of education, income or gender. But the same has not been true for its consequences, which have hit the most vulnerable hardest. When there arouse such disasters precautionary measures only help you out from it. The only precautionary measure that works in such situations is social awareness.
This was observed by NCHD Director General Hassan Baig while addressing to the participants of the launching ceremony of ‘Coordinated Gap Analysis COVID-19 Report.’
The ceremony was held in Pakistan Manpower Institute Auditorium here on Tuesday.
National Commission for Human Development (NCHD) in collaboration with IRC-IVAP had organized this Launching Ceremony to highlight the key findings of Coordinated GAP analysis conducted in 41 districts covering 16,400 household. Sample was distributed to urban and rural areas, 20 villages from each district were covered including 90 key informant interviews.
The ceremony was attended by officials from Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training, UNESCO, UNICEF, Hope-87’, ALIGHT, Acted, BISP, JICA- Pakistan, Academy of Educational Planning and Management, National Education Assessment System, National Education Foundation, Federal Directorate of Education, NCHD and IRC.
Education secretary Farah Hamid Khan, the chief guest of the event, appreciated the efforts of both NCHD and IRC in conducting this analysis.
She said this report will certainly help many organizations providing a base-line to study and plan the relief projects/interventions for future in respect of such pandemic situations.
A presentation was delivered about the key findings of Coordinated Gap Analysis. The report depicts that during the lock down period people availed health services from government hospitals/ BHUs 18.90%, private clinics 37.60%, self-medication 24.20%, Homeopathic 2.20% and 15.60 % consulted local practitioners. A total of 20% of the family member caught COVID -19 from the household patients. 51% member faced stigma due to lockdown. Symptoms of aggressive behavior, sadness, depression, substance abuse, anti-social, sleeplessness, and less willing to take care of the siblings were observed during the situation. Talking about the impact towards education report reveals that different modes were opted by the children, 6.2 % utilized Government Tele School Session, 8.40% go for online School arrangements, 7.40% used assignment based tasks, 69.2% availed self-studied with parents. Closure of schools interrupted learning of 57.50 % pupils and resulted in dropout increase to 13.40%. Report further highlight that 89.90% source of income was negatively affected by this pandemic and lockdown.
Participants provided their suggestions in light of the highlights of study. These suggestions will support in finding a way forward to both the parties.
NCHD Chairman Colonel (r) Amirullah Marwat thanked all the members for their active participation in the ceremony. Chairman NC0HD also appreciated the employees of NCHD and IRC directly engaged to conduct this analysis on successful completion of the project.
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