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Trump’s legal battle ends: Electoral College confirms Biden as president-elect

By News Report
December 16, 2020

WASHINGTON: The Electoral College has voted Joe Biden as the President and Senator Kamala Harris as the Vice President of the United States, bringing to an end the legal battle unleashed by incumbent Donald Trump who has been alleging widespread voter fraud in the presidential elections.

In accordance with the Constitution and federal law, the Electoral College cast its votes on Monday for the President, the elections for which were held on November 3. The Electors met in their respective states following certification of the results, reports the international media. The development brings to an end the legal battle unleashed by President Donald Trump against the elections, which he lost both in terms of the popular vote as well as the majority in the 538-member electoral college.

Typically, the meeting of the Electoral College is merely a formality. However, it received international attention because of unsubstantiated allegations of massive voter fraud by Trump. The presidential election took place over a month ago. The result is not in doubt. In almost any other year, both major parties would have fully and publicly accepted the will of the American people by now. The peaceful passing of the torch: a hallmark of our grand democracy, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said.

After no evidence of widespread voter fraud was found in the country; after state election officials corroborated the accuracy of the results in every state in the country; after the Trump campaign’s legal team racked up an astonishing win-loss record of 1 and 59; after the Supreme Court summarily dismissed two ludicrous efforts by Republicans to invalidate the results in swing states; will the Republican Party in Congress here in the Senate finally acknowledge the results of an election that was determined over a month ago? he asked. Hillary Clinton, former secretary of state and 2016 presidential candidate, voted for Biden as an electoral college member in New York. “I believe we should abolish the Electoral College and select our president by the winner of the popular vote, same as every other office, she said.

But while it still exists, I was proud to cast my vote in New York for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, Clinton added. Results of the electoral college votes rolled in from across the country throughout the day. Congressman Dan Kildee, chief deputy whip of House Democratic Caucus, said, despite continued attempts by the President and his Republican enablers to spread conspiracy theories and overturn the election, today’s actions make clear that the will of the people will not be subverted.