Thursday January 02, 2025

PDWP approves 54 projects

November 19, 2020

The Provincial Development Working Party (PDWP) on Wednesday approved 54 schemes worth Rs. 54038.044 million. The approval was accorded at the meeting of the PDWP held through video link with Shakeel Qadir Khan, the Additional Chief Secretary P&D Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, in the chair. The meeting was attended by members of PDWP and concerned departments, said a handout. The forum considered 61 schemes pertaining to Health, LG, MSD, Social Welfare, Water, Industries, Board of Revenue, Estab: & Admin, Roads, DWSS, Sports & Tourism, Urban Development, Finance, Auqaf, E&SE and Higher Education sectors for the uplift of the province. The forum approved 54 schemes, one scheme was cleared by PDWP and was recommended for approval of CDWP. Six schemes were deferred due to inadequate designs and was returned to the respective department for rectification.