Sunday March 23, 2025

Cop arrested for murder attempt

By Our Correspondent
November 08, 2020

LAHORE : Kahna investigation police arrested a constable of Punjab Constabulary in a case of attempted murder.

The accused, Abbas, had shot at and baldy injured his paternal aunt over a property dispute.

Meanwhile, Nawankot police arrested an alleged interprovincial drug trafficker, Ghulam Abbas and recovered charas weighing 3kg from his possession.

PHP: The Punjab Highway Patrol (PHP) registered 3,259 cases against criminal elements during the month of October.

As many as 388 cases of possession of illegal arms and display of weapons were registered in October. Sixteen Kalashnikovs, 31 rifles, 74 guns and carbines, 269 pistols and revolvers, 2,268 bullets and cartridges and 68 magazines were seized from the accused.

Meanwhile, 380 cases of drug offenses were registered and 9,616 litre liquor, 102kg charas, 24kg opium, 1kg 920gm heroin and 23kg Bhang were seized from the possession of the accused.

Around 19,303 passengers were extended help and 282 passengers were provided first aid. Fifty-three missing children were reunited with their parents.

PHP removed 464 temporary encroachments. Five members of a dacoit gang were arrested.