commitment that the future Syrian regime – regardless of its make-up – will not take a hostile position towards Israel.
It would be enough for Netanyahu that a new Syrian regime, whose existence will rely on western and Russian agreement and approval, would either enter in open-ended negotiations or even start informal ‘normalisation with Israel’ without challenging the ‘status quo’ of the Golan Heights.
In that context, Netanyahu’s visit to Moscow in late September, and securing Israeli-Russian military coordination ‘to avoid a clash’ of their respective military crafts over Syrian skies was necessary to ensure Israeli interests in any future agreed compromise on Syria’s future.
Furthermore, rehabilitation of Netanyahu’s extremist image and shifting the focus from his disputes with Obama were necessary for guaranteeing a full Israeli role in shaping the region, as well as the silence of Washington – as the Israeli army quells the Palestinian youth resistance of the Israeli occupation.
Thus, there was a tacit cooperation between all bastions of political power and thought centres in Washington who either received or even celebrated Netanyahu, who stressed a carefully worded political message at each appearance.
Washington turned into a well-produced scene from the theatre of the absurd. As Netanyahu left the White House, he went directly to the anti-Obama conservative American Enterprise Institute (AEI) to receive an award, followed by two stops at the Jewish Federation and the pro-Democrat ‘liberal’ Centre for American Progress (CAP).
Netanyahu’s appearance at the CAP provoked anger among many liberals, partly because it ended the comfortable divide between pro-Israeli liberals and hawkish Zionists.
The venue was perfect for Netanyahu to deliver his call for ‘restoring the bipartisan’ Republican and Democratic consensus on Israel, especially when only three guests in the audience were allowed to ask questions.
Restoring Israel as ‘a bi-partisan issue’ is crucial to both the Obama administration and Israel: as the former is concerned that the open Obama-Netanyahu rift could diminish the appeal of the Democratic Party on Jewish voters and funders in the next elections, while Israel is worried about the level of support for Israel among the Democrats in the US Congress.
His call at the Jewish Federation “to end the rift over the Iran deal” within the American Jewish community was equally important, as the differences could weaken the strong Israeli lobby as well as obstruct the White House’s efforts to sell the Iran nuclear deal to the US Congress.
Yet, it is wrong to assume that Netanyahu’s triumph was an act of genius or even a personal triumph; it was rather a triumph of mutual and joint Israeli and American interests and goals that could no longer be hampered by the prolonged Obama-Netanyahu rift.
Pro-Israel Mark Makovsky, who is close to both leaders, revealed that a major ‘irritant’ to the Israeli-American relations was eased when Netanyahu “brokered the resignation” of Economy Minister Arye Deri who was stalling deals with the American Noble consortium over the Leviathan natural gas field in the Mediterranean, and selling gas to both Jordan and Egypt.
Obama did not bow to Netanyahu, but he bowed to the strategic interests at stake, as he acknowledged that bolstering Israeli security is about boosting the American security and military infrastructure in the region.
As in all scripts of the theatre of the absurd, there is a truth that is uncovered – in this case one that puts an end to illusions among Palestinians, Arab leaders and pundits who were betting that the Netanyahu-Obama rift would serve ‘Arab interests’.
I believe that those who adopt attitude of forgiveness, mercy and tolerance are role models for all of humanity
First major point of contention between Brussels and Washington is the unequal distribution of defence expenditure
Question we must ask ourselves is: are we willing to redefine convenience for sake of sustainability?
Pakistan’s response was acknowledged by Indian External Affairs Ministry on April 5
According to Pakistan Institute for Conflict and Security Studies , 79 terrorist attacks were recorded in February alone
Since becoming nuclear power in 1998, Pakistan has adhered to a doctrine of credible minimum deterrence