Thursday June 27, 2024

Posters in Geneva expose RSS-led terror wave in India

By Our Correspondent
October 15, 2020

LONDON/GENEVA: A coalition of Indian occupied communities ran a massive campaign in Geneva at the 45th session of United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) here describing India as an epicenter of terrorism rights violations.

The coalition consisting of Kashmiri, Sikh, Dalit, Christian, women and lower caste Hindus protested through a massive banner campaign right outside the UNHRC headquarters to condemn the RSS-BJP led extremist Hindutva government.

Hundreds of posters were displayed near the iconic Broken Chair to slam India and to tell international delegates about the ugly reality of India.

Although, the presence in Geneva this year was smaller than usual due to Covid-19 restrictions, delegates attended various sessions and events from across the world. Those who attended were able to see the campaign that exposed how India has consistently persecuted its ethnic and religious minorities, including Hindus, Muslim, Sikhs and Christians as well as occupied nations like Kashmiris.

The Indian mission representative in Geneva failed to attend several events fearing questioning from campaigners. The visual campaign focused on extremist Hindutva groups such as RSS and BJP and how they have taken over the whole of India to establish a harsh Hindutva rule at the cost of millions of others. The posters read: RSS Hindutva, minorities cannot breathe; RSS Hindutva crushing minorities in India; stop Hindutva extremism.

Several posters called on the UN to take notice of the ongoing genocide of minorities in various parts of India. The posters read: “Indian army stop NAGA genocide; India bleeds Manipur; no Indian colonisation in Kashmir; Kashmir is bleeding under India; Indian army stop mass killings in Nagaland; Indian army stop torture in Mizoram; Assam under Indian enslavement; India stop using rape as a tool against the weak; women in India are treated as salves.” Dozens of posters were displayed to highlight the plight of Dalits. The posters said: “Save India Dalits; India stop prostitution; continuous inhuman treatment of Dalits is a curse; lower castes are also humans, have mercy on them; Indian minorities also need clean drinking water and facilities.”

The issue of Indian occupied Kashmiri and the end of Kashmir’s separate status through brutal force was especially highlighted by the campaigners.

“Kashmir will resist and Kashmir will exist; UN Kashmir calling, stand with Kashmir; Kashmiris demand implementation of UN resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir; solidarity breaks chains, stand with Kashmir; UN — why cries of women and children in Indian occupied Kashmir are unheard; stop genocide of Kashmiris; India stop state terrorism on Dalits; Indian Dalits? Less than humans.”

A huge picture banner on display read: “Hindutva fanatics shaved off the head of a Nepalese citizen and forced him to chant Jai Shri Ram.”

Dozens of campaigners told the international delegates, diplomats and visitors that it was important to tell the realty of India to the world because India was attempting to project itself as a decent country at the world stage, but committed war crimes at home against its own people and the occupied nations. The campaigners asked the UN and the international community to end its silence and hold India accountable.