Wednesday September 18, 2024

Proxy war Vs emerging new world order

By Senator A Rehman Malik
September 19, 2020

Global dynamics with respect to external political, economic and social factors have continued to test Pakistan’s resolve as a viable State. The country is passing through various intrigues and selfish politics externally, which seems to be pushing Pakistan towards unprecedented crises and instabilities. Let the nation realise the facts post visits of PM Modi and Imran Khan followed by Israeli PM to USA. USA still keeps its role active in Afghanistan while India continues to throw splinters on Afghan peace processes. In the given situation, President Ghani has to take care of himself as, God forbids his potential elimination will bring Afghan Taliban in close contact with Abdullah Abdullah who might then emerge to power provided that Afghan Taliban decide to have coalition with him. The present situation of Afghanistan is of paramount importance. Taliban treat President Ghani as their top enemy. Afghanistan is heading towards the establishment of Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan as Taliban will not settle for anything lesser than that.

It is said that the recent peace conference in Qatar ended into deadlock once again. I hope there is peace in the region and also hope that the efforts of General Bajwa will bring peace in Afghanistan. The world should know that the key to the peace rests with Pakistan for multiple reasons and I am confident that General Bajwa doctrine is very close to its accomplishment and success if he succeeds in bringing peace there then he would be the one deserving to be awarded with Nobel Peace Prize. The peace in Afghanistan will seize the proxy war of India being launched through Afghanistan. Our future threat of potential proxy wars will reduce with peace in Afghanistan.

On the other hand, Iran, Qatar and Turkey have their own agenda because of the recent developments against Saudi Arabia due to the new developments and this vendetta is increasing day by day. We cannot ignore proxy wars being initiated by other countries inside Pakistan and it is up to our elite agencies to ensure that they do not let this menace raise its head in our country. Prince Muhammad Bin Salman has not been able to get out of local troubles abroad because of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi case who was killed in Turkey where in Turkey has conducted full fledge investigations framing Prince Muhammad Bin Salman and his administration into this murder which will further create tension as the fly on wall says that Saudi Arabia was perhaps expecting Pakistan to help Saudis by using its influence on Turkey. Can Pakistan can help these three Muslim countries to get them on one platform in the interest of this region. Obviously Jamal Khashoggi was a US-based journalist and was under American protection and according to American law if a crime is committed in an alien land by an American then the law of that country has to prevail, hence Turkey had become more important for Iran and Qatar and more deadly against Saudi Arabia. While on the other hand, Saudi crown Prince Salman has been wrongly fed in his mind that Pakistan has gone closer to Iran, Turkey and Qatar also that Pakistan is not giving space in the peace process of Afghanistan. Saudi Arabia has been experiencing disappointments from Pakistan starting from the refusal of Army deployment in Saudi Arabia against the Houthis and it looks that even our Army Representative General (R) Raheel Sharif is also feeling helpless in building Saudi-Pak relations having been reduced to an employee of Saudi govt. Middle East including Saudi Arabia have certain fears from Iran, Turkey and Qatar due to their un-announced military alliance and this fear technology will be well used by USA at a given time. Qatar and Saudi Arabia already have their proxy wars through their respective lobbyists based in London, France and Washington which are doing good business by the combination of supply and disinformation. Similarly, Iran is playing the same game via France and UK as they have collected the data of all the dirty information on the activities of Saudi royal family members visiting these countries. Iran and Qatar are playing cyber war through the exclusive personal data of Saudi Ambassadors and other visitors posted in London. I have already written a lot on India which got all the data by hacking communication records between Crown Prince and others and similarly the data related to Saudi Defense & Foreign Ministries were also hacked. Now the intelligence tool is hacking and the various countries are indulging in stealing data of other nation for secret use.

It is the matter of public record that some information containing highly confidential communication of a Gulf state in Egypt was also leaked through the European paper. Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi must integrate that the cyber war between other countries has also become a source secret of diplomacy which cannot be ignored. He must know that the defense diplomacy and pressing fear technologies have taken over the foreign policies worldwide. He needs to adopt a blend of defense policy as well as the foreign policy to get out of the isolation. I would like to warn the authorities regarding Indian hybrid and proxy wars against Pakistan as per its well-planned agenda to create disturbance and to destabilize Pakistan. India, since independence has been waging a proxy wars and terrorism in different parts of Pakistan. Now USA and India have common agenda against Pakistan because of CPEC which is why India has emerged to be stronger than as USA is providing support to India. The common examples of USA-India partnership against Pakistan are FATF Inquiry, Terrorism in Baluchistan and KPK and False propagandas on CPEC. Both are doing all that it takes to isolate Pakistan from the rest of the world, to destabilize its economy and move its foundation. USA & India have been propagating against CPEC from the day one, India propagates that this project is against the Indian interest that is why it has been sending numerous RAW agents to Pakistan to inflect and sabotage this project.

The statement of Kulbhushan Yadav, the spy agent in Pak custody is living testimony to their ill motives as he was assigned to sabotage. It was no one else but President Donald Trump himself who stated against CPEC saying: “ONE BELT ONE ROAD is not acceptable to USA”. I had been persistently advocating to the Government and to the world that USA will not let Pakistan come out of the FATF’S grey list and will continue to pressurize FATF to keep Pakistan in it as it suits them till the Afghan issue is to be kept alive for its own geo political operation in this region.

It should be even clearer by now that we are being punished by USA because of our friendship with China & this joint venture, CPEC. USA knows for sure that the continuity of Pakistan being in grey list will bring huge financial set back by creating many problems for Pakistan which is already passing through financial crisis. This bad economy is a gift to us by USA via Afghan war from our soil and logistics provided by USA.

PM Modi has almost achieved his agenda according to his own plans ignoring the human rights and resolution of UN of self-determination for the oppressed Kashmiris. Not only this, but we are also facing water terrorism from India as it wants to either just stop/block our share of water with ulterior motives when we need it, or release extra water into our rivers to increase the flow causing floods in Pakistan and we know that both of these are dangerous for Pakistan. As we are dependent on India for water, Modi, by blocking water, wants to deprive Pakistan of water to convert her into a desert. In fact, Modi is following a full-fledged anti-Pakistan agenda.

It is obvious that in the given scenario, America will put China under pressure because of the coercion from India as it is trying to take the help from America to block the Chinese PLF and its activities. It is evident from the statement of Indian Army Chief who has given indication that come what may India will get back it lost territory from China. Economy is in shamble state, foreign policy is in isolation, international distress and issues of governance are going to grow more to the disadvantage of state.

The seriousness of Pakistani authorities can be well imagined that Ministry of Interior has issued 6000 bogus visas illegally which are mostly to the Americans and other hostile elements, hence, we don’t need an enemy from the outside when our own elite departments are willing to support, help and facilitate the anti-state elements in Pakistan. God knows how many out of these illegal immigrants are being used in proxy war against Pakistan like Kulbhushan Yadav. USA and India has successfully engaged in self-serving FATF and our main legislation has been done under its pressure. Let us see if the compliance of FATF will enable us to get us out of the grey list but I expect even more demand and I wish I come out to be wrong in this assessment. It is also very sad FATF has created “political divide”. I hope we all awake up now to fight our enemies and end political and social polarization to make our country stronger to counter the continued anti - Pakistan moves and ensure the enemies do not succeed in their ill motives to plant proxy wars.

Author Note: Opinions expressed are solely my own and not necessarily to reflect the views or opinions of my party.

The writer is former Interior Minister of Pakistan, Chairman Senate Standing Committee on Interior and Chairman of Think Tank "Global Eye". He is the author of four books and his fifth book is about to get published. He can be reached at: , Twitter @Senrehmanmalik