Sunday March 02, 2025

FO sees Indian hand in sectarian violence in Pakistan

By Mariana Baabar
September 19, 2020

ISLAMABAD: The Foreign Office hinted on Friday that India could be behind the sectarian violence in Pakistan as supported by its premier intelligence agencies.

During the weekly media briefing, the Foreign Office spokesman said it could be part of the consistent efforts made by India to destabilise Pakistan. “There is incriminating evidence regarding Indian involvement in terrorist activities in Pakistan. The arrests of Indian intelligence operatives during the counter intelligence operations in Pakistan are furtherevidence of this fact,” he said.

“Pakistan has been consistently sensitising the international community regarding Indian leadership’s threatening statements to use terrorism as a tool against Pakistan. The entire nation stands united and ready to thwart nefarious Indian designs,” the spokesman added.

As reports circulate that the government has decided to elevate Gilgit-Baltistan to the status of a full-fledged province, to a query the spokesman said that the GB reforms are an ongoing process that include political, administrative and economic reforms. He said it has been a long-standing demand of the people of GB. “These reforms will continue in line with the needs of the people of GB,” he said.

Explaining various reports in the Indian media that Russia had asked Pakistan to remove its political map during the recent SCO meeting of the national security advisers, the spokesman responded, “Let me clarify that Russia, which was hosting the meeting, did not request Pakistan for removal of political map at the meeting of NSAs of SCO member states.”

Rather, he said it was India which objected to the map, but its objection was overruled. In fact, he said, India tried to vitiate the atmosphere by objecting to Pakistan’s official map. However, he said, India’s attempts to use an important multilateral forum for petty bilateral politics failed.

“Let me reiterate that the map reaffirms Pakistan’s commitment to the UN Security Council resolutions and the supremacy of the UN Charter and Pakistan is committed to SCO as a platform for regional cooperation,” he said.

As Indian Air Force inducted five state-of-the-art Rafale fighter jets in its fleet, the spokesman warned that India’s military buildup is a serious issue. “Even prior to tensions with China, India has been expanding and modernising its nuclear arsenal both in terms of type and number of delivery systems. Rafale jets are dual-capable systems that can also be modified as nuclear weapon delivery platforms,” said the spokesman. He noted that it is disturbing to note that India continues to amass military capabilities beyond its genuine security requirement. According to credible and reputable international research institutes, India is now the second largest arms importer in the world.