Last month, eleven members of a family, including women and children, were found mysteriously dead in the Jodhpur district of Rajasthan, India. They were Pakistani migrants who had migrated in 2012 to India in hope of a bright future, and had been seeking Indian citizenship for the last eight years.
Whether it was mass suicide or murder, the mystery of their deaths is still unresolved. However, once the news emerged, I decided to raise my voice over this unfortunate issue. In a press release, I categorically stated that the Indian government was responsible for providing protection to the poor family. Innocent people were forced to face a tragic fate just due to their affiliation with Pakistan.
I also urged the government of Pakistan to raise this issue at the international level. The Indian government must answer what kind of steps have been taken to ensure the safety of Pakistani citizens on Indian soil. The late Hindu family had Pakistani citizenship and under international laws, the Pakistan High Commission in India has the right to know the reason behind the mysterious deaths of our citizens.
Unfortunately, one month has passed but Pakistan is still in the dark. According to the Foreign Office, "despite repeated requests by the High Commission for Pakistan in New Delhi for details regarding the tragic incident, the Indian government continues to evade the issue, has disclosed only scant information about the case, and has failed to share any substantive details regarding the cause and circumstances of the deaths",
A woman belonging to the unfortunate family, Shrimati Mukhi Bheel, has also blamed that Indian intelligence is behind the tragic incident, and has hinted at approaching the International Court of Justice for the transparent and unbiased investigations. She has claimed that her family decided to secretly return to Pakistan.
In my view, many factors, including no access for the Pakistani High Commission, no exchange of information despite one month having passed, and no information sharing about the other members of the family, provide solid grounds for making the whole matter fishy. I have therefore requested the Foreign Office to increase pressure on the Indian government and devise a solid strategy to highlight this incident globally.
Every religion has taught its followers about serving humanity and protecting innocent lives irrespective of religious bonds. Contrary to this, violation of human rights is on the rise under the present Indian regime, and apparently there is no soft corner anywhere there for minorities and for Pakistan. On the other hand, all Pakistani minority communities must also learn some lessons. First of all, Pakistan must be respected as a beloved motherland (Dharti Mata) by every patriotic national. Similarly, we must understand that life is not a bed of roses but we should have a strong faith in God in order to tackle challenges.
As Patron-in-chief of the Pakistan Hindu Council, I believe that it is our moral duty to stand with the oppressed community. In the present circumstances, it is very important to ensure the safety and security of other Pakistani nationals on Indian soil. In my view, instead of indulging in blame game on this sensitive issue, India should bring the real facts on humanitarian grounds. I also would like to convey that the entire Pakistani Hindu community is united to raise voice in support of the victim family.
We will not let the blood of innocent Hindu families go in vain and we will keep protesting to seek justice for the poor family at every forum. In this regard, it is our just demand to the government of India through the Foreign Office to share the FIR copy, the post-mortem report, forensic details and other relevant information on an immediate basis. Otherwise, the Pakistan Hindu Council reserves the right to protest outside the Indian High Commission located at Diplomatic Enclave, Islamabad.
The writer is a member of the National Assembly and patron-in-chief of the Pakistan Hindu Council.
Twitter: @RVankwani
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