FAISALABAD: A girl was gang-raped in Jaranwala City police jurisdiction on Monday. Reportedly, accused Zubair and Asghar called the girl on phone to collect sugar treatment medicine as the mother of the girl was a chronic sugar patient. When the girl went to the specified place, both accused allegedly raped her. On the report of the victim, the Jaranwala City police arrested both the alleged rapists after registration of a case against them.
COMMITS SUICIDE: A girl committed suicide at Chak 36/JB on Monday. Nadia Gulzar ended her life by hanging herself with a ceiling fan in a room of her house. The motive behind the incident is still not ascertained. Meanwhile, Muhammad Abdullah of Chak Jhumra was killed when he slipped from a running train.
Baseless and fabricated accusations from decades past are still repeated in an attempt to tarnish his legacy
PTI in power in KP for 12 years but living standards of people in province have further deteriorated, says Azma
President says India denying IIOJK's people's rights for seven decades
The court has seeks details of the accused’s properties
Department predicts in next 24 hours most districts of province will experience extremely cold and dry weather
All necessary arrangements for the re-polling have been completed, says ECP spokesperson