Thursday June 27, 2024

AJK PM seeks UNSC permanent members intervention into IOJ

By our correspondents
August 06, 2020

MIRPUR/ISLAMABAD: Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Prime Minister Raja Muhammad Farooq Haider Khan Tuesday appealed to the permanent members of United Nations Security Council to prevail upon India to stop changing the demography of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K) and its atrocities on the innocent Kashmiris.

Raja Farooq, in his message in connection with the Youm-e-Istehsal being observed today (Wednesday), said the clouds of war were hovering over the region as the Indian government’s intransigent attitude had disturbed the peace of the entire region.

He said India was bent upon snatching the culture, traditions and language of the Kashmiri people after revoking articles 35 A and 370 of its constitution, which was aimed at changing the demography of the occupied region.

He said the Kashmiris were determined to continue their legitimate struggle in accordance with the United Nations resolutions despite the military siege.

He said the Indian government had illegally landed its army in Srinagar on October 27, 1947 on the pretext of a fraudulent document of accession and attacked the Kashmiri people with full use of military forces to crush the freedom struggle.

Liberation of the IOJK, he said, was a fundamental right of the Kashmiri people and they would continue their struggle till the achievement of the goal of liberation against all odds.

Meanwhile, the PPP Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that Indian siege of IOJ&K won’t conquer the aspirations of the people of the bleeding valley and urged the world community to use its leverage on the apartheid state of India to end the one year long siege and give access to international human rights monitors in the occupied territory.

The PPP chairman reiterated the commitment of the party founder Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto that “I will never compromise on Kashmir issue”. “As the torch-bearer of Bhuttoism, the PPP continues to stand by the Kashmiri brethren,” he said.

“RSS-driven Hindutva ideology of apartheid being pursued by the butcher of Muslims - Modi won’t succeed and the issue of Kashmir would only be resolved through a plebiscite,” he said.

Meanwhile, Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan Ali Amin Khan Gandapur urged the international community to impose sanctions on India for its crimes against humanity in IOJ&K.

He said the world must pressurise India to fulfil its promises made to people of Jammu and Kashmir for their right to self determination. He said people of IOJ&K had shown exemplary resilience and fortitude against Indian atrocities.

Gandapur said the government continued its efforts to expose India on international forums and as a result the international support to Pakistan and Kashmiri on issue of IOJ&K had increased manifolds.