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Shibli asks UN, world bodies to notice Indian atrocities against Kashmiris

By Our Correspondent
June 30, 2020

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Senator Shibli Faraz Monday urged the international community to take due cognizance of Indian atrocities against innocent Kashmiris in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K) and hold India accountable under international law and relevant human rights conventions.

“The United Nations and the international community must take immediate action to stop India from changing the demography and distinct identity of IOJ&K,” the minister said in a special message for the online conference titled: Kashmir: Regional and International Dimensions, organized at, Ankara University, Turkey.

AJK President Sardar Masood Khan, Lord Nazir Ahmed, Member, British House of Lords and Muhammad Syrus Sajjad Qazi, Ambassador of Pakistan, Ankara also spoke on the occasion.

The minister said that the recent promulgation of “Jammu and Kashmir Grant of Domicile Certificate (Procedure), 2020” by Indian rulers is clearly aimed at changing the demographic structure of Kashmir and undermining the exercise by the Kashmiri people of their right to self-determination through free and impartial plebiscite as per the relevant UNSC resolutions.

He noted that Pakistan, under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan would continue highlighting the plight of Kashmiri people at all international fora till the realization of their inalienable right to self-determination in accordance with the UNSC resolutions. He lamented that while the international community was pre-occupied with fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, India had further intensified its brutalisation of the Kashmiri people.

The Kashmir conflict, Shibli Faraz warned, could have far reaching consequences both regionally and internationally, something the world can ill afford to overlook. “The current Hindu supremacist regime has unleashed unprecedented repression on the Kashmiri people,” he remarked.

He said that the fascist Indian government in a highly undemocratic rather draconian style repealed the autonomous status of Kashmir at midnight of August 5, 2019. To avoid the protests, the fascist Modi put 9 million people under the harshest lock-down, humanity had ever witnessed.

“Indian government shut down the internet and phones, abducted children from houses, and arbitrarily detained thousands of Kashmiris, including political leaders, activists, journalists, lawyers, and potential protesters. Hundreds remain in detention without charge or under house arrest to date,” he told the participants of the conference.

The humanity would have hoped that the corona pandemic may have brought a moment of relief for the Kashmiris, he said and added but one’s heart pains to state that Indian brutalities see no end to it. India continues to pursue its expansionist designs under the cover of corona pandemic.

He said that global media watchdogs, Indian and international human rights groups, and civil society organisations have expressed deep concerns over unprecedented restrictions imposed on the media, the widespread intimidation of Kashmiri journalists, and the precarious state of their work environment.

Shibli Faraz contended that the martyrdom of each Kashmiri will further fortify the Kashmiris’ resolve for freedom from Indian occupation. “Kashmiris will never give up their inalienable right to self-determination as enshrined in the UNSC resolutions and the leadership and people of Pakistan will never flinch in their commitment of full support for the Kashmiris towards that end,” he said.

The minister appreciated the initiative to highlight regional and international dimensions of the Kashmir issue and lauded unflinching support by Turkish brethren for the Kashmiri people.