Sunday September 22, 2024

Homoeopaths claim treating Covid-19 patients

By Bureau report
June 26, 2020

PESHAWAR: The homoeopaths on Thursday claimed successfully treating coronavirus patients and said 80 ailing people had recovered from the viral infection after taking homoeopathic medicines. Dr Iqbal Shaheen and other doctors from the Frontier Homeopathic Medical College, Peshawar told a press conference that a panel of doctors had conducted research on coronavirus in six weeks. The research was the first of its kind and yielded encouraging results, they added. The doctors said up to 80 patients fully recovered from Covid-19 in two to five weeks after taking homoeopathic medicines. They said there were three homoeopathic medicines which a coronavirus patient was advised to take at different times.

The doctors said only one medicine was prescribed for the person who looks after the coronavirus patients. The doctor demanded the government to pay attention to the homeopathic mode of treatment and support those in this field, especially those researching on Covid-19.