Wednesday March 26, 2025

Capacity-building of railways employees discussed

By Our Correspondent
June 19, 2020

LAHORE: University of Management & Technology (UMT) president Ibrahim Hasan Murad met with Pakistan Railways Chairman, Habib-ur-Rehman Gillani here at Pakistan Railways Headquarters.

According to a press release, during the meeting, Pakistan Railways Chairman, Habib-ur-Rehman Gillani showed interest in capacity-building of their employees by UMT. CEO of Institute of Knowledge and Leadership (IKL) Sohail Rizvi gave a detailed presentation on the services that IKL can provide in developing the human capital and transformation of Pakistan Railways Academy. Ibrahim Hasan Murad said UMT could play a vital role in capacity-building of railway employees and assured that IKL would transform Pakistan Railways Academy into a digitally advanced Centre of Excellence in rail transport. He said Pakistan Railways was our national asset and UMT considered it a national duty to improve it. Habib-ur-Rehman showed interest in taking IKL on board, as a learning partner of their academy. He sought UMT expertise in identification and induction of professionals to improve academic quality and international linkages.