Monday February 24, 2025

Govt earmarks Rs40 bn to Railway sector

By Saeed Ahmed
June 13, 2020

RAWALPINDI: The federal government has made an allocation of Rs40 billion to Railway sector in the national budget for the year 2020-21 presented by Federal Minister for Industries and Production Hammad Azhar in a special budget session held at National Assembly on Friday evening.

Similarly, an allocation of funds worth Rs24 billion has also been made for upgradation of Pakistan Railways existing Main Line-1 (ML-I) and establishment of Dryport near Havelian under CPEC project.

The Pakistan Railways has earmarked an amount of Rs11161.525 million for initiating 17 new uplift projects during the year 2020-21 while an amount of Rs12838.475 would be spent on completing ongoing schemes.

Besides ML-I main project, other major uplift works in new schemes include preparation of PC-II for commercial and financial feasibility study for the sub-project under ML-I project “Karachi to Hyderabad measuring 163 kilometers besides construction of new double line for 160 miles per hour on PPP/BOT basis. Improvement of Islamabad Dryport is also among major projects to be initiated this year for which Rs200.000 million would be earmarked for this purpose.

Pakistan Railways headed by Federal Minister Sheikh Rashid would spend Rs1500.000 million for operationalisation of train on existing Karachi Circular Railways (KCR) alignment whereas for its revival under phase 2 Rs300 million would be spent.

Under ongoing schemes to be carried Railway would be working on track rehabilitation on Khanpur-Lodhran section for which purpose Rs330.616 million would be spent.

For upgradation of railway stations to attract Sikh Tourism at Hassan Abdal Nankana Sahib and Narowal an amount of Rs50.000 million would be spent.

Under the directions of Sheikh Rashid, Railway authorities have also planned special repair of over 600 passenger coaches and 1200 bogie wagons. In this connection Rs1000.000 million has been allocated.

The most major project in ongoing scheme for Railway is to make acquisition of land for Railway Corridor from seaport 5.25 kilometers to 9 kilometers and Railway Operational Land from 12.00 to 14.00 km at Gwadar. A huge fund estimating Rs2500.000 million have been allocated in the budget.

Similarly an amount of Rs1500.000 million has been earmarked in budget for preliminary design/drawings for upgradation/rehabilitation of Main Line (ML-I) and establishment of dryport near Havelian under the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and hiring of design/drawings vetting consultants.

In order to procure and manufacture 820 high capacity bogie freight wagons and 230 passenger coaches, Railway has made huge funds allocation in budget which is worth Rs3250.000 million. Moreover, amount of Rs2700.000 million has also been allocated for special repair of 100 Nos DE locomotives for improving the reliability/availability of running locomotives. For China-Pak Economic Corridor Support project at Ministry of Railways Rs50.000 million has been allocated.