Sunday September 29, 2024

Modern ways

June 12, 2020

This refers to the article, 'Accountable governance' (June 11) by Sami Saeed. The writer has pleaded for evolving a merit-based system with higher salaries and perks and privileges to restrain various functionaries from misuse of public office for personal gains. The civil service has undergone many reforms and fresh reforms are in the final stage; but all these measures shall prove counterproductive as these do not attend the root cause.

The writer has failed to suggest a proper solution except the modifying existing system with more financial benefits. The right solution to such problems and to eliminate corruption is to adopt modern technology. This will eliminate delays, corruption and help in maintaining quick records. Our internal and external audit is very effective but nobody cares about audit objections. Corruption is always documented. Once it is pointed out, the same day the competent authority should be removed. Let us be practical and do away with the colonial system of governance.

Mukhtar Ahmed
