Tuesday March 25, 2025

Food deliverymen delighted to meet President Arif Alvi

June 02, 2020

Islamabad: It was a surprise moment for five deliverymen of a food chain as President Dr Arif Alvi stopped by them for a brief chat during his late evening walk.

The deliverymen, geared in their company’s kit and standing next to their bikes along roadside, expressed pleasure to meet the President, who encouraged them on earning their livelihood in tough times.

"These hardworking riders stay up late at night earning a difficult living. The need for their services are 70% down, but improving," the president later tweeted Monday following his interaction with the deliverymen. Wearing a face mask, President Alvi shared the importance of safety precautions with the deliverymen to remain safe from coronavirus.

“If we take precautions and ensure Standard Operating Procedures of interaction, only then can we defeat COVID-19. Wash hands, wear masks, and keep a safe social distance,” he wrote in his tweet as he shared the same advice with public.