Friday June 28, 2024

Shahbaz wants effective virus strategy as cases soar

May 27, 2020

LAHORE: Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) President Shahbaz Sharif said on Tuesday had there been a strategy in place at the time of imposing or easing lockdown, the number of Covid-19 cases in the country would not have increased at such a rapid rate.

According to a statement posted on the PML-N’s official Twitter account, the former Punjab chief minister called on the government not to waste more time in creating an effective national strategy to cope with the coronavirus pandemic.

“The nation should be informed about the testing data and what strategy is in place to stem the spread of the coronavirus,” he said.

The PML-N had on frequent occasions blamed the government for the rising number of coronavirus cases in the country, saying the Centre did not have a strategy in place to deal with the pandemic.