considerable unrest at home. Pakistan cannot be held responsible for all of this or for fuelling the displeasure with the Modi government. It had been hoped that the UN forum would prove a place for Pakistan and India to move towards greater friendship and also a rational look at their problems. There had even been talk of a meeting on the sidelines between the two prime ministers. This of course did not happen. Modi did not show up to address the General Assembly at all and there was no meeting to discuss the many mutual issues that can only be settled through dialogue. The fact that there is no other solution except talks is something New Delhi needs to recognise. It is clear from Swaraj’s address that India is nowhere near comprehending this; this lack of understanding of course raises further concerns about the future of the region. Nawaz Sharif’s four suggestions were logical. They were certainly worth considering. It is unfortunate they were given no thought at all but simply thrust aside amidst a flurry of words which can only add to the animosity that has already ruined relations between the two South Asian neighbours.
Best Pakistan can do is take remedial measures and hope that world’s wealthy come to senses soon enough
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