Tuesday July 02, 2024

NAB given 30 days to submit report on probe into power sector’s irregularities

By Asim Yasin
May 13, 2020

ISLAMABAD: The Sub-committee of the Public Account Committee (PAC) Tuesday expressed displeasure over the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) for not completing the inquiries into the cases of irregularities of over billion of rupees of the power sector.

Expressing his strong displeasure on the NAB for not completing the inquiries regarding cases of irregularities of over billions of rupees of power sector, Convener of the Sub-Committee of the PAC Syed Naveed Qamar remarked that the NAB did not come into action where needed but when wanted to arrest anyone then arrested without any charge or evidence.

The meeting of the sub-committee of the PAC was held on Tuesday chaired by Syed Naveed Qamar in which the audit paras relating to Power Division for the year 2016-17 were examined.

During the meeting, the NAB did not give the updates on the cases referred to it in 2016-17 on which convener of the sub-committee of the PAC expressed his displeasure and said that the Parliament is a supreme forum and officials of the NAB came here without preparations. “You are not aware of the details of the audit paras sent since long and it seems that where NAB has to come into action failed to do and when it wanted to arrest anyone then come into action without any charge and evidence,” he said. Convener of the sub-committee of the PAC directed the NAB to complete the inquiries on the audit Paras refer to it within 30 days and send report to the committee.