Friday June 28, 2024

Angola faked evidence to freeze assets: Former president’s daughter

May 13, 2020

LUANDA: Isabel dos Santos, the billionaire daughter of Angola´s ex-president Jose Eduardo dos Santos, on Tuesday accused the government of resorting to forgery to freeze her assets last year.

The 47-year-old tycoon and her Congolese husband Sindika Dokolo are accused of syphoning off more than one billion dollars from Angolan state companies. A court in the southern African nation in December froze their bank accounts as part of a massive corruption probe. Dos Santos claimed in a statement that a copy of a fake passport — bearing the signature of late martial arts film star Bruce Lee — was part of the evidence submitted to the court. She cited among other alleged irregularities on the passport that her birth date was wrong and her name was incomplete. “But the most ridiculous aspect is the signature of the issuing authority: this is a reproduction of the signature of Bruce Lee, the legendary kung fu actor who died in the 1970s,” said a statement released through her public relations agent.