Tuesday September 17, 2024

Sindhi separatists JSQM-A, SRA, SLA By banned

By Azaz Syed
May 12, 2020

ISLAMABAD: Federal government has formally banned Sindhi separatist political entity namely Jaey Sindh Qaumi Mahaz (Arisar) or (JSQM-A) along with two militant groups namely Sindhu Desh Revolutionary Army (SRA) and Sindhu Desh Liberation Army (SLA) under the Anti-Terrorism Act of 1997.

“In exercise of the powers conferred by section 11-B (1) sub section (a) of the Anti-Terrorism Act 1997, the federal government after approval of the cabinet, places the organisations in the proscribed list as there are reasonable grounds of believing that the said organisations are concerned in terrorism,” read the Interior Ministry notification dated May 7, issued with the signatures of section officer Mahwish Riaz. The copy of the notification is also available with The News exclusively. The sources claim that the Interior Ministry officials wanted to mention exact laws in the notification in consultation with the legal wing of the ministry. Thus notification was actually issued on May 8 back dated May 7 after ensuring the exact law in the draft of the notification.

The Interior ministry notification further says, “The federal government hereby orders that following (JSQM-A, SRA, SLA) to be the proscribed organisations for the purpose of Anti-Terrorism Act 1997 and list the aforesaid organisations in the first schedule to the said act.” After the notification of the Interior Ministry, National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA) has also updated its list of proscribed organisations and has included the above mentioned three names in the list.

Under sub section 2 of 11 B of Anti-Terrorism Act, authorities are bound that, “the grounds shall be communicated to the proscribed organisation within three days of passing of the order of proscription,” however the head of JSQM-A Aslam Khairpuri denies any formal communication by the authorities with him informing about the formal banning. When this correspondent approached, Aslam Khairpuri asking whether he will file a petition to the federal government within 30 days for the review of the decision under the law, he said, “We are yet to have the formal information. When we will have the copy of notification, we will convene the meeting of our party and intellectuals to decide about the future course of action.”

This correspondent also attempted to contact the leadership of both SLA and SRA through social media pages being run in their names, however, no response was received. As reported by this correspondent last week, intelligence agencies had approached the Interior Ministry for banning the above mentioned groups. According to the reports of the agencies, SRA and SLA are actively involved in the terrorist activities in different parts of Sindh and Balochistan. Intelligence agencies believe that both the militant groups are provided political support by the JSQM-A. The JSQM-A leader Aslam Khairpuri denies the allegation saying that they have no contact with them and they only believe in democratic struggle of non-violence.

Another source had claimed that these militant groups are also a threat to the CPEC projects, which Pakistan is undertaking with the help and assistance of China.

The sources had claimed that after examining the reports furnished by the intelligence agencies, a summary was sent to the federal cabinet headed by Prime Minister Imran Khan, which decided to approve banning of all three almost a month ago, however, Interior Ministry could not notify the same due to ongoing corona crisis.

It is important to note that there are almost five mentionable factions of Sindhi nationalist parties who all are headed by the followers of G M Syed, a prominent Sindhi nationalist leader and founder of Jaey Sindh Movement who died in 1995.

JSQM-A, is currently headed by Aslam Khairpuri a follower of Abdul Wahid Arisar who founded JSQM-A in 2006. He died in May 2015. JSQM-A founder Arisar was inspired by the ideology of G M Syed and struggles for the rights of Sindhis.