Friday June 28, 2024

Rahimdad slams PTI ministers’ tirade against PPP

By Syed Bukhar Shah
May 04, 2020

PESHAWAR: Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) leader Rahimdad Khan on Sunday flayed the federal ministers for their ‘uncalled for remarks’ against his party and its leadership.

“The use of indecent language reflects the mentality of the selected government of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI),” he remarked. Talking to The News, the former minister recalled that political leaders did not use derogatory language against each other but it seemed the PTI ministers were devoid of norms and traditions. The PPP leader also criticised the PTI government for appointing retired Lt-Gen Asim Saleem Bajwa as Special Assistant to Prime Minister for Information.

The elderly politician said the Pakistan Army should also think over the ongoing controversy surrounding the appointment of the retired general. Calling Lt-Gen Asim Bajwa a capable person, he pointed out that many had termed his appointment as deputation.

He expressed the hope that keeping in view the controversy Asim Bajwa should either resign or the Pakistan Army would make him relinquish his new responsibility. “We want the institutions to stay away from controversies. Such tactics of the irresponsible rulers could push the country towards uncertainty,” he said. He said the rulers should have united the nation to fight the coronavirus pandemic, but they were bent on dividing the people by making nasty remarks against the opposition leaders.

Instead of appreciating and supporting the Sindh government for its steps taken to contain the spread of Covid-19, he said the ministers were creating hurdles for it. He said the PPP leadership could not be harassed through such tactics. “The PPP leaders cannot be provoked into responding in the same language,” he maintained. Rahimdad Khan said the nation knew that Imran Khan and his team were brought into politics and supported by “someone else”. He said the newly appointed Information Minister Shibli Faraz should also think as to how he would run affairs of his ministry. “The PPP leadership is decent and well-mannered. We believe in serving the people but the PTI has started indulging in mud-slinging as it has been unable to come up to the expectations of the people and deliver on its pledges,” he said.