Wednesday September 18, 2024

Parliamentarians reject virtual session

By Asim Yasin
April 30, 2020

ISLAMABAD: The parliamentary leaders endorsed the option of holding regular session of the National Assembly instead of virtual one. They all were of the view that Parliament embodies the will of the people; therefore, it should be made functional to continue its role of parliamentary oversight on executive. They extended their all-out support to the National Assembly Speaker in conduct of the session of the Assembly in presence of the pandemic.

While participating in the meeting through video link, PPPP parliamentary leader Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that there was no provision in the rules of the assembly for a virtual session; therefore, regular session should be called to take up pertinent issues concerning public at large besides important legislation. He suggested to ensure health SOPs in wake of the pandemic for safety of the parliamentarians and parliamentary support staff.

He urged that a session of the National Assembly must be called, adding that it was unfortunate that the federal government has failed to ensure a functional parliament in during the severe crisis.

The PPP chairman said that his party was willing to work with the Speaker’s office to ensure both oversight and safety. He said Speaker and the government must also ensure protection of life and health of the members and the staff of the Assembly.

Bilawal said that lengthy debates could be limited in the session but that there would be no compromise on voting rights for legislations. He proposed participation of MNAs through proportional representation in session in wake of this pandemic. “This proportional representation formula will be only for debates not for passage of bills,” he proposed.

He asked for logistic arrangements for MNAs from Sindh and Balochistan. He pointed out that a meeting of the PPP’s Committee on Economy has already demanded fair distribution of the foreign relief aid received from IFIs, IMF, World Bank and G20 countries among the provinces, to enable them to cope up with the situation.

PML-N leaders Khawaja Muhammad Asif and Sardar Ayaz Sadiq supported the idea of a physical session keeping in view the inadequate IT facilitates. They said that virtual session would erode the dignity and sanctity of the Parliament and the essence of the participatory democracy. They said that agenda, number of members to be present in each sitting of the Assembly and other issues could be decided in consonance.

Former National Assembly speaker Sardar Ayaz Sadiq said session should be called early as we have to complete mandatory 130 days. “None of the assembly violated this condition,” he said. He said assembly session can be held with all MNAs if galleries are utilised.

MMA, BAP and JI leaders Ms. Shahida Akthar Ali, Mr. Khalid Hussain Magsi and Maulana Abdul Akbar Chitrali supported the idea of physical session with strict observance of health SOPs.

Shahida Akthar Ali rejected the idea of virtual session as legislation passes might be challenged at later stage in courts.

Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi and Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination Dr Fehmida Mirza expressing their point of view said that actual session of the Assembly may be convened with adoption of health guidelines so that the safety of the members and the staff was not compromised. They said that it heartening to note that all the political forces were on same page during present crisis.

Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that suggestions put forth by the parliamentary leaders were practical and further modalities may be worked out in light of these suggestions.

Advisor to PM on Parliamentary Affairs Dr Babar Awan apprised the Committee about the pending legislation with both the houses of the Parliament and standing committees. He said that the session of the Assembly would help in expediting the pending legislation.

The chairman decided to convene its final meeting on next Wednesday to finalise its recomm endations which would be presented to the National Assembly Speaker for his consideration.