Wednesday July 03, 2024

Christian leaders slam Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman’s detention

By Murtaza Ali Shah & Hamza Azhar Salam
April 28, 2020

LONDON: Leading voices in British Pakistani Christian community have strongly condemned the arrest and continuing detention of Editor-in-Chief of the Jang-Geo Group Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman in a private land purchase case.

British Pakistani Christian leaders lauded the role of Jang and Geo for Pakistan and the Group’s efforts for the promotion of harmony and fairness amongst all communities under the editorial guidance of Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman.

Councillor Dr James Shera, who is also former mayor of Rugby, condemned the illegal arrest of Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) on March 12 in a 34-year-old property matter but no reference has been filed even after more than 40 days of detention.

In a joint press release endorsed by major British Pakistani Christian leaders, Dr Shera said: “This is a sad day for the press freedom in Pakistan. An independent and free press, unshackled by any harassment, is absolutely vital for democracy to flourish in any society. The arrest of Mr Rahman at this early stage of NAB investigations, over a 34 years old land deal, was unnecessary.”

Dr Shera also mentioned that like Mir Khalil-ul-Rahman, who was the founder of the Jang Group, his son Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman also stood for the highest standards of journalism. He added: “The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan has expressed deep concern over the arrest. As the Pakistani Christian community in the UK, we stand with all the downtrodden communities and individuals in Pakistan.”

British Pakistani Christian leaders including, Dr Peter David, Dr Noshaba Khiljee, Councilor Morris Johns, Councilor Kashan Bennett, Advocate Qamar Shams, Saleem Khokar (former MPA Sindh), Bishop Yousaf Nadeem Bhinder, Reverend John Bosco, and Michael Massey endorsed the statement.

Rana Youab Khan, a prominent Anglican priest of Pakistani background in the UK who is presently a Rector of St Edmund’s Chruch Crickhowell and the Ministry Area Leader in Wales, said Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman’s arrest in a 34-year-old case is bringing a terrible name to the country.

He said: “Imran Khan promised to give an afresh start by making the country Naya Pakistan but victimisation of media has been a norm in the country for a long. British Pakistanis, along with many Pakistani are upset by the arrest of Mr Rahman, and we hope that the courts will intervene to stop discriminatory actions of NAB which has become a third arm of the government.

The Asian Congregation of St Andrew’s Church, Ilford, UK, a congregation which is mainly composed of Pakistani Christians, echoed the global condemnation of Pakistani authorities against the detention of the veteran journalist. The Church said that Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman’s arrest appears to be politically motivated and he should be released to preserve the freedom of press in Pakistan.

Pastor Sohail Basheer said that Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman’s detention by the NAB has brought a bad name to Pakistan because the case clearly appears to be aimed at victimising the biggest and independent media house of Pakistan.

Reverend Dr. Robinson Asghar said Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman is being victimised and what is happening to him is a case of grave injustice. He said the whole Christian community stood by Jang and Geo journalists while they face victimisation by the government of Pakistan.

Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman’s arrest has caused an outcry in Pakistan as well as in international forums. Most of the major journalistic organisations including Reporters without Borders and the Committee to Protect Journalists have termed the arrest an attack on press freedom. Pakistan has also fallen 3 spots in the Global Press Freedom Index from 142 to 145 out of 180 countries.

The US State Department, the European Union and the German government have also raised the question as to why Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman has been arrested without being charged with any crime.

According to the NAB, no accused can be arrested in the complaint verification stage but the NAB went against its own standards of procedures by arresting Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman.